We’ve embarked upon major campaigns during the Hermanus Whale Festival to change the way ocean wildlife is treated. We have formed partnerships with organisations working for the good of our planet.
The Hermanus Whale Festival has pledged to keep our environment Clean and Green and has embarked on a new campaign every year.
Protect our ocean and its animals
Pieces of brightly coloured balloons mimic the appearance of food and are often digested by birds, turtles, fish, seals, dolphins and whales causing obstruction and death.
Plastic clip ties end up in the stomach of wildlife that mistakes them for food. They can die from obstruction and/or malnutrition.
Ribbons and strings can lead to entanglement causing death

The Hermanus Whale Festival has partnered with stallholders and local businesses not to sell, offer or use balloons as gifts during the festival.
Each day hundreds of thousands of single-use plastic straws are used briefly and discarded. These plastic straws end up on our beaches and in the sea. For most people, and for most drinks, they are entirely unnecessary. We use them because of habit. We are given them because of habit. But we have a choice – we can USE LESS and WASTE LESS.
The Hermanus Whale Festival has partnered with restaurants and local Take Away Outlets to stop automatically giving out plastic straws with drinks, to help break the habit. If people really need a straw they can ask for one. Join us and say no to plastic straws they can ask for one. Join us and say no to plastic straws!
Balloon Image: https://www.zoo.org.au/balloons